Saturday, May 14, 2011

1 year later

I am soooooo lame. Its seriously been a year. First and most important is Naysa.

Naysa Wren Smith
was born February 20th. 3 weeks early and still 8 lbs 15 oz. she is so chunky I just want to squish her! She is so cute!
For Max it has taken a lot to adjust

But he's trying to make room.

Thanks again for everyone who came to the blessing/baptism/Graduation party it was lots of fun. To anyone who was worried about Max after the Wall fell on him, hes fine. He still climbing walls.
Kenya is almost done with first grade! I cant wait till summer starts so I don't have to drive her clear across town to school.
Sammy's last day of preschool is tomorrow! Again Yeah!

As you can see Sam is excited to see the baby.